Student Dating Vashon

Social distancing measures are critical to slowing the spread of the virus causing COVID-19 disease in our communities and keeping our healthcare system from being overwhelmed. Vashon Island is particularly at risk because our clinics and 1st responders have limited capacity and there are many high-risk people living here. Many people in our area who have symptoms that could be caused by the Coronavirus do not have COVID-19. Therefore testing for the virus is an important component of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic because it allows public health efforts to be specifically focused on isolating and supporting infected individuals so they don’t pass it on to others.
Realizing the importance of COVID-19 testing to Vashon’s overall response to the pandemic, VashonBePrepared developed and has now deployed a COVID-19 testing site on Vashon Island. We developed our testing strategy with the specific goals of making testing as safe as possible for our all-volunteer workforce and for those being tested, while conserving personal protective equipment for hospitals and clinics.

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No More!

Every single one of us can play a part in stopping domestic violence and sexual assault. Silence and lack of knowledge about domestic violence and sexual assault play a large part in why they persist. All islanders are important. All peoples well-being should be celebrated. No More 'He couldn't have', 'You're making too big a deal out of this' and 'Did you lead him on?'No More Silence, No More Shame.

Elizabeth Archambault: Executive Director, DoVE

Student Dating Vashon Wa

Abuse affects people of all income and education levels and can happen to intimate partners who are married, living together or dating. At The Vashon DOVE Project, we serve all survivors of domestic violence. DOVE can give you support, help you maintain safety for your family, identify goals, and help you achieve those goals. We are in your corner.

VARSA and DoVE are partnering to support the national NO MORE campaign to end Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

Student Dating Vashon And Bainbridge Island

With horrifying statistics like 1 in four women are victims of abuse, or 1 in 3 adolescent girls in the US is a victim of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner, local Islanders and students have come together to say NO MORE!

NO MORE Week is a national grassroots activation aimed at making domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round. Mark your calendars – the NO MORE Week of Action is March 6th – 12th! Using photographs from Students in high school and locally known faces, this series of images will be live across the Island in the second week of March.

Student Dating Vashon

Vashon High School


Student Dating Vashon Washington

Vashon High School Students are also taking part in the national campaign. Students made signs and then had their photo taken to stand up and say NO MORE to dating or domestic violence, and sexual assault.

What is NO MORE?

NO MORE is a unifying symbol and campaign to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy groups, service providers, the U.S. Department of Justice, and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of national and local groups and by thousands of individuals, organizations, universities, and communities who are using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility for domestic violence and sexual assault.